Saturday, November 20, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I  saw  turkeys.They  were  big .They are used  for  meat.They  gobble  and  gobble.They  are  funny.


These piglets are for meat.The big pigs had them. They are used  for  making  meat  for  yummy  bacon .

Friday, August 6, 2010

I  saw  pigs.They  were  big.To  of  the  pigs  lived  together.The  other  one  stayed  by  itself. The two pigs that lived together had to share a mud hole.  They  squealed at each other.That was funny.The other pig does not care about a mud hole.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I  went  to a farm  and  saw cows. One of  the cows tried to  lick me.The  cow  that  tried  to  lick  me  tried  to  lick  Nick.The  cow  was very  friendly.There  were  four  cows.